Sunday, December 13, 2009

WTS!Manipulation in religion.Are you religious?For victims of abuse.

Ok, truth is I am still on the fence when it comes to trying to fit the divine in religion.Religion is based on acts and rituals,something I see daily and do not disagree with,but do so when religion goes wild because of a leader.By wild I mean an intolerant society hateful and full of wrath against another community or people.We have seen cults from religious figures gaining power and soothe their enchanted followers to some very insane things.I have been a victim of that and truly say I have been indoctrinated and thanks be to the divine I have been freed from such a wicked burden.What I mean by that is that indoctrination gives you a very narrow view of things pretty much the one that religious leaders propose and it just so happens that most are unrealistic.They are ideals of the vain imagination.They are fantasies,and I do agree some do come true but what happens when the fantasy is a Hitler fantasy?leading to an extermination of a type of human because they see others as inferior.Like the muslims who seek to conquer the four corners of the world.And will do so by any means.I am not saying all muslims but the ones you hear about on t.v the radicals the suicide bombers,might I add that christianity has its own army of hateful cruel people.Imagine if there was belief with in the christian community that if you killed homosexuals and if it meant dieing for it you would gain paradise.That being said lets move on.
Ever hear of the homosexual who commited suicide?I watched on the Tyra Banks show homosexuals who despised themselves because of their orientation.Might I say that such views only arise because of the antichristian community.Like I said I have my own view of christianity and those who oppose and hate themselves pretty much reveal themselves to me as antichrist,and do not forget despise others.So going back to the homosexual.Society is mostly driven by morals of the insane.Insane because they condemn yet they are equal of such fault.Like Hitler who was part jew and definitely did not fit the stereotype of his divine creation.Like the wise man once said "Hypocrites!"and in his mind wondered WTS!.So what is it that drives the people to follow these insane rambling fearmongerers?That's right fear.
When you instill fear you make the person feel incomplete,insecure thus they seek for an answer a ritual a herb an antidote for their discomfort.They are seeking for a star a wts! moment.In religion those who instill that fear have very well prepared the words to make you complete and their word becomes the antidote so they will be saying to themselves finally with a loud WTS!.And might I add someone causing you to say WTS! many times will be able to persuade you in things you might have once never thought of.In other words a person who has the power to make you say WTS! has power over you if you let yourself be vulnerable.But wait there is more to the little robot builder,you instill fear than you give them a burden of guilt.You overload them and you destroy them with it.You make them regret the very breathe inside of them.Ofcourse while doing this you blame it on them,then you add a magic button when you are no longer the manipulator but the savior the one who shocks them than gives them a soothing relief.
A favorite teaching of mine.I say that because I have been manipulated in such form so this is all experience and I do not hold any grudges and find it quite a knowledge booster to have such suffering experiences,though I wouldn't mind to have been born in a billionaires home in other words have a billionaire as my Father who pays every cent and lack nothing and suffer nothing.It just means that there is no reason for me to look for someone to provide what I lack.Religious leader make many promises to fufill the poor and the cure is to send them a few dollars or loyalty and somehow you will go from poverty to richy rich.And if you do believe that feel free to send me some money and may your belief pay you back more than those on television.Moving on.My experience you give the person guilt and than relieve them with like I said before my old time favorite removing that guilt and blaming it on another,ever hear of the devil?Yep its not your fault its the devils.Its the devil with in you who is to blame.Or the sin within you.The reason why the homosexual hates himself and the heterosexual hates him.In religion the heterosexual sees the devil in them and see not the devil in themselves.Thus leading to the hypocrites.I think it would work better if religion didn't say there is a devil in us or sin because how can you look at someone and say how beautiful they are?Exactly you can't unless your suffering from bipolar,saying to them how disgusting they are and the next moment how beautiful they are and they are God's creation.So that being said put guilt on them than tell them how its not their fault and they will see a light with in you.Than you treat them with rewarding words,like how they are beautiful ect. ect. and they will feel from worthless to meaningfully valuable and you were the one who spoke the words.There you go you have a lil robot at your possesion.You become the light.One who you placed guilt on or told them how disgusting they are and than shed some light by saying they are beautiful.It really does not make sense if your not charismatic you need to make that emotion rise.That being said do not let others pull your strings and get a hold of your emotions to make you feel meaningless.Because the moment you lost confidence in yourself is the moment you become vulnerable.Vulnerable to the vultures seeking for you,the weak and the broken.They are not looking to make friends nope they are seeking to eat you up.Which goes back to what I said before the poor paying the mighty rich leader so that they can get out of their poverty.I know the bible shares a story of the poor lady tributing her last penny.But nowhere does it say she got all her money back,rather it said she had faith.Another thing to question is that the bible also shares that God will watch over his people so to question why that poor lady is poor?Well it was to reveal the will of God they say.I prefer the miracles of healing the sick over that part of the poor paying the fat belly leaders who are faithless hypocrites yet get the tribute of the faithful.So all these beautiful stories and words of a beautiful stories somehow get manipulated to make you the harlot who weeps at the feet of the savior instead of being the faithful follower who never once shed a tear but except the loss of a loved one but never of guilt.Todays mainstream christianity requires you to be a weeping harlot to be considered a disciple,let me add the harlot cried once and never again.And never where the disciple taught to hate the homosexual,rather love them as themselves.If it did say to hate the homosexual I think we would have seen the apostole cutting up some people and being hypocrites because the wise man said that if we hate someone we have commited murder.Now who is guilty?Uh oh.Do not worry it is not your fault it is the devils who is not in you but in a lonely dark place.Ummm and if you think you are in a lonely dark place than I might take my words back,just joking.It just means someone has touch your guilty button and you have realized that you can not be loyal to the one who placed that guilt on you.So do not waste your time in your woes over not being good enough to follow your Hitler rather rejoice there is salvation from his wrath.Be glad you were not the homosexual who commited suicide because they were not part of the master race according to the "christians".By homosexual I mean the oppressed who have not harmed a soul yet are viewed equal to those who have.Hypocrites enjoy oppressing making people their slaves.So be glad you are no longer their slaves but an advocate of freedom.You do not have to be a homosexual when I say homosexual I mean those who have been blamed to sin when there is no guilt in their actions.If you are guilty of some cruel actions like abusing the innocent soul than you are the harlot and its an appropriate time to say you are forgiven but have nothing to do with enslaving the innocent.Abuse takes many forms and religion is one of them,most abuse victims commit suicide because they feel lacking in competence.The abusers make up things to make them feel imcompetent,either by screaming a lie loud enough they believe you or make rules they can not keep and punish them for it.Let us not ponder on that cruelty though but rejoice that it can end.SO WTS! give up the old and change everytime for the better if you think your not.Just so you know I forgive my abusers and wish them good I do not really hold a grudge.I hope you do the same and become cheerful light.Reach for the star.

WTS! ACTIVITY!!!Food For The Star:
So here is todays activity.Its an excercize to give you a wts! moment.Make yourself cry.Yep you heard me.Make yourself cry!WTS!Cry as hard as you can.Share with us how you made yourself cry and if anything touched you that you discovered about yourself while crying.Like if you realized a negative thought that does still haunt you.To benefit from it recognize it and let it go.Like in yoga releasing the negative and breathing in the positive blue cleaning away the black negativity.Remember the excersizes are to help you gain experience in knowing yourself and others.With your response you show others and reading others response you learn.

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