Sunday, December 20, 2009

WTS! Have you heard of the STOLKHOLMS SYNDROME?

If you have read some of my other post.Which I hope you have. I want to remind you of a situation where I spoke about religion and manipulation or loyalty in the case. Well doing some research I found this thing called Stolkholms syndrome which I find very intresting. So I will tell you a little about this. It is when a victim,it can be someone being kidnapped or being abused submitting to their abuser and falling in love with them. THere was a case in which hostages at a bank were trying to cover up for their robbery. Why? It is believed that being put in a life threatning situation and being shown little acts of kindness make them feel favored in some way or special.By kindness I mean not smacking them around or doing whatever torture on them. Some believe that raped victims gave birth to children whom they showed love for therefore those children carried a passive type gene.They are so many situations and many theories thrown out there. A recent movie has come out called moonlight which is about a wife taking her husband hostage as he says he will leave off with another woman.It turns out they both become hostages and in the situation the man gets the syndrome and falls in love with his life again. Some say death threats could also provoke also. Though I have seen it myself a husband trying to get his wife back did not work out. So all in all the victims gain sympathy for there abusers and fall in a state of love or mercy. So next time you feel trapped in a cage where all your thoughts are succumbed to this illusion remember that no matter what happens you should have your goals. Never be manipulated, know what you want. If you happen to fall in love with your abuser who tortures you remember that not all stories have a happy ending.Your chances of having a happy ending will be higher if you learn to love yourself before loving another.

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