Monday, December 14, 2009

WTS! Call-Duty Modern Warfare 2 XBOX360 GAMERS

So Christmas is coming up and my B-day is a few days away.I am so excited and I can't wait.I want CODwarfare2,if I dont get it I will buy it for myself even though I am going to go broke.So yea tell me how you like the game and how long you have been playing. What other games do you recommend? Oh and do not forget rate them.If you want my gamertag just ask.Still haven't got 100 friends.Though I have to say to many friends brings lots of ordeals because sometimes you have to choose one over the other.For example I had just made a friend cool guy than I had another friend who wanted to play also I wanted to play with them both so I just told them I will play one hour with one and another with the other person.Thank God I did not have another friend who wanted to play at that moment.I just hate to leave someone I feel we get along well alone.Or atleast that is the way they act when I tell them I am going to play with another friend,they make me feel bad.Haha darn manipulators.Well once I get MODERN WARFARE I will be able to play with some old friends I have not been able to play with because I do not have the same games.Oh lets not forget today's WTS!ACTIVITY.

For this activity since we are talking about games.I want you to do some reasearch on how games benefit people.Yep that is right they actually benefit some.I also want you to do something different for entertainment.If you always play video games take a day off and watch movies instead.If you always watch movies and television,take a day and look for some free games or get yourself some game entertainment.It will give you a whole new experience.Or spend your day watching some music videos on youtube.Feel free to make more suggestions for my activity.

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