Monday, January 11, 2010


So I have been wondering lately whether I should ask for charity at a church.I am a christian and very well know the scriptures.But I have heard from others that churches really put down asking for money.I myself know that if I was running a church I would encourage others to tell their needs.I have plans of starting my own business and that is the reason I want my church to help out.I know I will be successful but I need money to start it.I wrote a whole speech that I would make if I were to ask for money but I am just remembering the way the pastor is very antiprosperity or something.If it were up to me and I know God alike he would have us all prosper and help one another prosper.I know that the church is not just in my local area but everywhere.Sometimes I know God can even work through those who are unbelievers just because they themselves have charity in their hearts that is a godly given attribute to all mankind.So yes I have this vision of my company and I just need to have more money.I also have this plan if the church members are willing to help.Since I need a large sum I planned it out so that it doesnt feel like its alot since every individual counts.The plan is to have at least 20 people giving $20 every week for 6 months or a whole sum of $460 and if one does not have enough the person who does can make up for it.Obviously the sooner the better.This would add a total to about 10k which is the amount I need to start which includes buying machinery transportation ect. also part of it is going to my college education.So I know what I am asking for is a good cause but at the same time it feels odd to ask at a church for money.Sometimes I feel like I need to be dirt poor and starving to ask for money so if I do I will feel just that way which I know is not the way a child of God ought to feel when he asks.If you think about it its like an investment because in the long run when my business is successful and prosperous I will be making an abundance and will obviouly be helping out others,which is indeed a good return.So it would be like them giving me a seed and me growing the plant and putting other seeds as to help those who are in need.That is how I see it but I am just worried the church will not be able to see that,rather only their pockets or even maybe them not trusting me which I would understand from a worldly point of view but from a christian point of view we are to trust one another and give to those who ask.The times I did attend church not once did I deny them money when they were in need and that is how I think it ought to be.I didnt give in one dollar but the amount that it was in my heart to give.I have had some lovely poeple on youtube donate some money so I know that via internet they are people who are willing to help.So if you would like to help make my inspired vision a reality paypal adress is all money is appreciated and know it is worth every penny.So this whole speech I have prepared is about giving to others and sharing our goods because everything we have is not our own rather God's.I really do hope that God provides and I am confident he will find a way.So yes that is my goal for this year I wish everything goes according to plan.If I dont have that money I will have to miss another semester of my college education which sucks.With all honesty God has definitely put a trial before me,because the only way I can actually move on from where I am I need the charity of others.I can truly say that my company and education will be God's when it starts running.I hope to have my company running by June I will post around June and let you know how it went if it worked out or not.Pray and hope with me.Thanks and Love. PS. I call this vision my plan which is inspired by GOd seriously one night after many nights wondering what I was gonna do in my life I finally got the answer and now I am really happy and excited.

WTS!ACTIVITY:Food for the star You can pray or meditate for me and for others that good things will happen to them in which they can help others out also pray for yourself that you may be able to be put in a position where you can be helped to help others.Asking for that will show you things in a different perspective.God bless you all.

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